1. Decoding the ancient Greek astronomical calculator known as the Antikythera Mechanism
2. The possibility of an Olympiad display was overlooked by all the principal investigators, but it was actually suggested by Victor J. Kean, in a popular book, The ancient Greek computer from Rhodes known as the Antikythera mechanism (Anixi, 1995), 77–84. Our thanks to Alexander Jones for this reference.
3. Heiberg J. L. Claudii Ptolemaei opera quae exstant omnia, ii: Opera astronomica minora (Leipzig, 1907), 165. There is a French translation in [N.] Halma, Commentaire de Théon d'Alexandrie sur les tables manuelles astronomiques de Ptolemée, Première partie (Paris, 1822), Prolégomènes de Ptolemée, 7–8.
4. Manitius C. (ed.), Procli Diadochi Hypotyposis astronomicarum positionum (Leipzig, 1909), iii, 66–72 (pp. 72–77).