1. Tampere University, Finland
2. São Paulo State Technological College, Brazil
3. SENAI PR University Center, Brazil
4. Durham University, UK
5. University of São Paulo, Brazil
6. Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil
Given the urgent need for environments that enable everyone in fulfilling their fullest potential, many new media innovations have focused on equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) actions. Gamification is one of these innovations, becoming a promising avenue to engage people towards effective social change. Yet, the intersection between EDI and gamification is incipient and fragmented, preventing a comprehensive understanding of current findings and future advancements in this field. This literature review systematically investigates the meanings, methods and effects of gamification in EDI actions (i.e. gamification towards EDI), and the design of equitable, diverse and inclusive gamification (i.e. gamification alongside EDI). Results elucidate how gamification improves performance, enriches experiences and fosters change, while analysing its design through gender, age and disability lenses. Future work calls for broader and deeper gamified EDI interventions informed by social sciences, diverse people-oriented design and empirical demonstration of sustainable social change.
HORIZON EUROPE Culture, Creativity and Inclusive society
Research Council of Finland
HORIZON EUROPE Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions
Foundation for Economic Education