From ‘a box in the theater of the world’ to ‘the world as your living room’: cellular phones, television and mobile privatization


Groening Stephen1


1. Brown University, USA,


The ability to receive and view television programs (and other moving image material) on the cellular phone should be seen as part of a larger system of asserting private space in an environment that is crowded with both people and technology. I begin with Walter Benjamin’s notion that the rise of the private individual can be indexed to the set of practices that transform the dwelling place into an interiorization of the external world through the collection of images and objects while at the same time acting as a place of refuge from the external world. Linking those observations to Raymond Williams’ notion of mobile privatization, I argue that the contradictory impulses of moving through the world while retreating from it are the product of economic and social structures which act to isolate individuals from each other while connecting them to the products of corporate media, and do not arise from any inherent traits within cellular phone technology.


SAGE Publications


Sociology and Political Science,Communication

Reference26 articles.

1. Benjamin W. ( 1999) Paris, capital of the 19th century (1939). In: Tiedemann R (ed.) The Arcades Project. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 14-26.

2. Bull M. ( 2004) ‘To each their own bubble’: Mobile spaces of sound in the city. In: Couldry N and McCarthy A (eds) Mediaspace: Place, Scale and Culture in a Media Age. New York: Routledge, 275-93.

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