Jostarndt K,Puntschart A,Hoppeler H,Billeter R
We studied the expression patterns of the essential (alkali) myosin light-chain isoforms in adult human skeletal muscles, using in situ hybridization and single-fiber protein analysis. In analogy to other species, we found that the fiber type-specific expression of essential myosin light chains is regulated via the availability of the respective mRNAs in a given fiber. In contrast to other species, the slow isoform 1sa was only expressed in the most oxidative Type I fibers (Subtype IA) in addition to 1sb. These fibers also contained high levels of carbonic anhydrase III. Within the fibers, the essential myosin light-chain mRNAs were located preferentially in the perinuclear regions and to a lesser extent in the intermyofibrillar spaces, a distribution that excludes cotranslational assembly of these light chains into the myofibrils as the main mechanism. In comparing leg and shoulder muscles, we found less distinct fiber typing in the expression patterns of the essential myosin light chains in the leg muscles than in muscles from the shoulder region.
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14 articles.