Children constitute nearly half the population of the South. They are the worst- affected victims of resource degradation and environmental pollution. They are also increasingly deprived of the mechanisms for acquiring knowledge, values and sur vival skills, as parents have less time to devote to their care and nurturing, and schools are either inaccessible or ill-equipped for providing relevant education. At UNCED, world leaders and NGO representatives have emphasized the necessity for human-centered, poverty-focused approaches to environment and development. Agenda 21 endorsed the goals agreed upon at the World Summit for Children and appealed for ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. As follow-up, UNICEF is adopting the "primary environmental care" approach to enable children and women to meet their basic needs by using and protecting natural resources optimally. Priority is given to the poorest groups living in environmentally vulner able areas, to fostering opportunities for enhanced livelihood, and to building part nerships with NGOs.
Developmental and Educational Psychology
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3 articles.