Computer Generated Pictorial Stores Management Displays for Fighter Aircraft


Aretz Anthony J.1,Calhoun Gloria L.2


1. Flight Dynamics Laboratory Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio

2. Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio


Four methods of presenting stores management information were evaluated in a flight simulation: 1) alphanumeric, 2) color pictorial, 3) black and white pictorial, and 4) alphanumeric/color pictorial. Results indicated that pilots performed equally well with the alphanumeric, color pictorial, and alphanumeric/color pictorial formats but that performance with the black and white pictorial format was significantly worse than all three of these formats. Subjective data indicated significant pilot preference for the alphanumeric/color pictorial format. These results indicate one potential advantage of color pictorial formats in the cockpit. Mainly, in addition to the specific information provided by the alphanumeric format, the color pictorial format provides a “situational awareness” where the pilot can obtain important information at a glance. Also supported by this study is the continued exploration of color computer graphics in the cockpit to increase the efficiency of information transfer between the pilot and the aircraft.


SAGE Publications


General Medicine

Reference4 articles.

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