1. Allen, E. and Diamond, L.: Erythroblastosis Fetalis; Including Exchange Transfusion Technic. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1958, p. 143.
2. Bentley, H.P. , in Shirkey, H. C. (Ed.): Pediatric Therapy. St. Louis, C. V. Mosby Company, 1966, pp. 641-646.
3. Bowman, J.M. and Friesen, R.F., in Gellis, S. and Kagen, B. (Eds.): Current Pediatric Therapy, 1966-1967. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders Co., 1966, pp. 330-335.
4. Neonatal Exchange Transfusion: Present Status
5. Hughes, W.T. : Pediatric Procedures. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders Company, 1964, pp. 74-86.