1. ISO 140, Acoustics – Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements – Part 4: Field measurements of airborne sound insulation between rooms, Part 5: Field measurement of the sound insulation of facades, Part 7: Field measurements of impact sound insulation of floors.
2. ISO 717, Acoustics – Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements – Part 1: Airborne sound insulation. Part 2: Impact sound insulation.
3. Acoustics – Field measurements of airborne and impact sound insulation and of sound pressure levels from equipment – Survey method. 10th draft CEN/TC126/WG1 N 181 October 1995.
4. ISO/CD 10052: 1991, Building Acoustics – Short test method for measurement of airborne sound insulation in buildings, Building Acoustics – Short test method for measurement of impact sound. (ISO/TC43/SC2/WG10, Convener: R. Mackenzie, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh).