1. Troy D. Abelis an assistant professor in the Department of Environmental Studies at Western Washington University's Huxley College of the Environment. His work in civic environmentalism, environmental values, and environmental management has appeared in American Behavioral Scientist, Human Ecology Review, and Public Works Management and Policy, among other publications.
2. Mark Stephanis an associate professor in the Department of Political Science and Criminal Justice at Washington State University, Vancouver. His work in environmental policy, bureaucratic politics, and citizen involvement in environmental decision making has appeared in American Behavioral Scientist, Environment and Behavior, and Social Science Quarterly, among other publications.
3. Michael E. Kraftis a professor in the Department of Public and Environmental Affairs and Herbert Fisk Johnson Professor of Environmental Studies at the University of Wisconsin, Green Bay. He is the author of Environmental Policy and Politics (Pearson Longman 2007); coauthor of Public Policy: Politics, Analysis, and Alternatives (CQ Press 2007); and coeditor of Business and Environmental Policy (MIT Press 2007) and Toward Sustainable Communities (MIT Press 1999).