1. Richard C. Feiockis professor and Ph.D. director in the Askew School of Public Administration and Policy at Florida State University. His work on state and local economic development has appeared in American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics, Public Administration Review, and Urban Affairs Review, among other journals.
2. James C. Clingermayeris an assistant professor in the department of political science at Northern Kentucky University. Local government administration, public finance, and state and local government are among his teaching and research interests. His work has appeared in American Political Science Review, Journal of Politics, Public Administration Review, and Public Choice.
3. Christopher Streamis an assistant professor of political science and public affairs at the University of Idaho. His work on public administration, local government administration, governmental budgeting, public policy, and American state and local government has appeared in the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Political Research Quarterly, Public Administration Review, Public Personnel Management, and State and Local Government Review.
4. Barbara Coyle McCabeis an assistant professor in the School of Public Affairs at Arizona State University. Her research and teaching interests include urban policy, state and local relationships, and public finance. Administration and Society, Public Personnel Management, and State and Local Government Review are among the journals in which her work has been published.
5. Shamima Ahmedis an assistant professor in the Department of Political Science at Northern Kentucky University. Her work on human resource management, organizational theory and behavior, and nonprofit management has been published in Asian Thought & Society, Journal of Management Development, and Metropolitan Universities.