1. Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid, Spain
2. General Secretary of Penitentiary Institutions, Ministerio del Interior, Madrid, Spain
Hate crimes have severe consequences for the victims and for all members of the victim’s social category. Prison programs must address the criminogenic needs of the participants, especially in this kind of crime, in order to prevent recidivism. This study seeks to understand the role of prejudice and aggression in the execution of hate crimes, in order to design effective interventions for hate crime offenders. Sociodemographic, criminological, and psychosocial variables were assessed in a sample of 33 hate crime offenders sentenced to prison or community service and in a group of 38 non-bias-motivated criminals ( n = 71). The individuals convicted of hate crimes have higher reactive and proactive aggression, subtle prejudice, homophobia, and social dominance orientation. The implications of these results for the Penitentiary Administration programs will be discussed.
Ministry of Interior of Spain
Applied Psychology,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous),Pathology and Forensic Medicine