1. See Porter Roy (ed.), The popularization of medicine, 1650–1850 (London, 1992). See also, Bynum W.F. and Porter Roy (eds), Medical fringe and medical orthodoxy, 1750–1850 (London, 1987); Cooter Roger (ed.), Studies in the history of alternative medicine (London, 1988); and the essays on ‘vulgarisation médical’ by Corinne Verry-Jolivet and Jacques Poirrier in Maladies médecines et sociétes: Approches historiques pour le présent (Histoire au Présent, i; Paris, 1993). For American sources and studies, see Anne Hudson Jones, “Medicine and the physician in popular culture”, in Inge M. Thomas (ed.), Handbook of American popular culture, iii (Westport, Conn. 1981), 183–203.
2. Public Lectures and Private Patronage in Newtonian England