1. United Nations. Gaza: UN experts decry bombing of hospitals and schools as crimes against humanity, call for prevention of genocide, https://www.un.org/unispal/document/gaza-un-experts-decry-bombing-of-hospitals-and-schools-as-crimes-against-humanity-call-for-prevention-of-genocide/ (2023, accessed 7 November 2023).
2. Defense for Children International - Palestine. One Palestinian child in Gaza killed every 15 minutes by Israeli forces, https://www.dci-palestine.org/one_palestinian_child_in_gaza_killed_every_15_minutes_by_israeli_forces (2023, accessed 7 November 2023).
3. UNICEF. Joint statement by UNICEF, WHO, UNFPA and UNRWA on Women and newborns bearing the brunt of the conflict in Gaza, https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/joint-statement-unicef-who-unfpa-and-unrwa-women-and-newborns-bearing-brunt-conflict (2023, accessed 7 November 2023).
4. United Nations. Civilians in Gaza must not be collectively punished for atrocities committed by Hamas, speakers tell security council, urging ceasefire, https://press.un.org/en/2023/sc15473.doc.htm (2023, accessed 7 November 2023).
5. United Nations. Guterres blasts ‘completely inadequate’ levels of aid for Gaza civilians, https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/10/1143037 (2023, accessed 7 November 2023).