1. Aged and Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA) (2022) Inquiry into the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (secure jobs, better pay) Bill 2022, ACCPA submission. Submission 60. Available at https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Education_and_Employment/SecureJobsBetterPay/Submissions (accessed 10 May 2023).
2. Aged Care Case (2011) United Voice & The Australian Workers’ Union Of Employees. Queensland [2011] FWAFB 2633 (5 May 2011).
3. Women and Enterprise Bargaining: The Legal and Institutional Framework
4. Burke T (2022) Delivering secure jobs, better pay and a fairer system. Media Release, 27 October 2022. Available at https://ministers.dewr.gov.au/burke/delivering-secure-jobs-better-pay-and-fairer-system (accessed 1 May 2023).