1. Burke, M.E. (1995) Out with the old, in with the new? Training for new management issues in the year 2000. In: Hancock-Beaulieu, M. and Pors, N.O. (eds) Proceedings: The 1st British-Nordic Conference on Library and Information Studies. Copenhagen. 22-24 May, 1995. Copenhagen : The Royal School of Librarianship, 99-104
2. Burke, M. and Cornelius, I. (1995) Information studies as a humanities subject. In: Hancock-Beaulieu, M. and Pors, N.O. (eds) Proceedings: The 1st British-Nordic Conference on Library and Information Studies. Copenhagen . 22-24 May, 1995. Copenhagen: The Royal School of Librarianship, 89-97
3. The Bibliographic Instruction-Course Handbook: A Skills and Concepts Approach to the Undergraduate, Research Methodology, Credit Course—for College and University Personnel