1. Aga Khan University, Uganda
2. University of South Africa, South Africa
This study aimed to review evidence on the continuing professional development (CPD) strategies that have been implemented for academic librarians and the CPD strategies that have enabled the implementation of digital transformation within academic libraries in Africa. A literature search in six databases was performed, which included Academic Search Premier (searched through EbscoHost), Emerald, Eric (searched through EbscoHost), Proquest Thesis, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. A total of 3716 studies were retrieved from the six databases and exported into EndNote Referencing Manager. After removing duplicates and screening, 60 records were retained. Subsequently, full-text reading was done, and 15 records did not meet the criteria thereby leaving 45 records that were included in the review. The findings showed that the CPD strategies implemented in academic libraries included mentorship, availing librarians with protected time to engage in learning, and collaborating with external environments among others. However, academic libraries in Africa are yet to embrace the need to recruit a staff specifically designed for CPD activities, many do not have allocations within their budgets for Librarians’ training, and have no library staff training policies, The review established that few studies had reported on the CPD strategies that had led to the implementation of digital transformation in Africa. This included collaboration, attending short courses, and mentorship. Libraries need to designate staff in charge of librarians’ CPD activities, develop librarians’ training policies, and allocate funds for librarians’ training within their budgets.
Library and Information Sciences
Cited by
4 articles.