1. ALA (2012) Money smart week. Available at: https://www.ala.org/aboutala/offices/money-smart-week (accessed 28 January 2023).
2. ALA (n.d.a) LibGuides: Financial literacy in public libraries: A guide for building collections: Introduction. Available at: https://libguides.ala.org/finra-ore/personalfinance/home (accessed 28 January 2023).
3. ALA (n.d.B) Programming librarian. A website of the American Library Association Public Programs Office. Available at: https://programminglibrarian.org/blogs (accessed 28 January 2023).
4. ALA (n.d.C) Thinking money for kids program models. Available at: https://smartinvesting.ala.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Thinking-Money-for-Kids-Program-Models.pdf (accessed 28 January 2023).
5. ALA - FINRA (n.d.) Thinking money for all kids: Diverse and inclusive reads to teach young people about money. Available at: https://www.ala.org/tools/sites/ala.org.tools/files/content/TM4AK_booklet_WEB_030122.pdf (accessed 28 January 2023).