1. Unità di Uro-Chirurgia per Paraplegici - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Policlinico Universitario “A. Gemelli” - Roma
— The authors report their results on 154 patients with neuropathic bladder due to a previous spinal cord injury, who underwent sphincterotomy. The Authors dwell on indications, surgical endoscopic techniques, complications, short- (2 years) and long- (5 years) term sphincterotomy-related results: reduction of symptomatology of about 70% after 2 years and about 25% after 5 years. The Leak Point Pressure proves to have a predictive valve for long-term results. The authors conclude that sphincterotomy is effective in reducing detrusorial hyperreflessia and dissynergia short-term and, above all, it blocks the mechanisms that lead to upper urinary tract failure. Moreover, the sphincterotomy may be repeated.