1. Clinica Urologica, Università di Trieste, Trieste, Italy
Antibiotic prophylaxis in urological procedures Thousands of patients receive every day an antibiotic prophylaxis before diagnostic or therapeutic urological procedures. Aim of antibiotic prophylaxis is to reduce the risk of infective complications, unfortunately good quality evidences for the best choice of prophylaxis strategy are often lacking. Nowadays antimicrobial resistance is a major health problem caused primarily by overuse of antibiotics. It is the responsibility of all physicians to practice antibiotic stewardship avoiding the unnecessary use of this precious drugs. Given the previous consideration prophylaxis should be chosen on the base of the best evidences, if evidences are lacking prophylaxis should be tailored on the base of each patient individual features and risk factor for infection complications. This narrative review of antibiotic prophylaxis in urological procedure resumes the principle to follow for the correct management of antibiotic prophylaxis in urological procedure.