Chloramphenicol is an important antibiotic commonly used in undeveloped as well as developing nations in treatment of life-threatening bacterial infections. However,renal-toxicity is resulted by chloramphenicol at a high concentration Sabaet.al., [20].It is studied that the damaged in kidney caused due to the free radicals generated in the kidney and other body organs also. Theeffect of Millingtoniahortensis Linn. Extractwas examined by estimating the elements, such as, nitrogen, glutathione, serum creatinine, lipid peroxidation and the things like catalase along with SOD activities. In present research, nephrotoxicity is induced by chloramphenicol that ischaracterizedby significant increment of serum markers levels,for that LPO level raised andSOD level reduced along withGSH and CAT levels. Co-signification of methanolic extract with chloramphenicol was designed for significantly prevent both the functional and histological renal injury protection. It is concluded that the phytogenic antioxidants play an important significance in the ameliorating action for recovery of damaging effects caused by the Chloromycetin.