Wachttijden op de polikliniek kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie van het UZ Brussel: hoe sneller patiënten identificeren die minder kans hebben op doorstromen naar diagnostisch onderzoek?


Vercauteren S.,Van Den Steene H.,Cools W.,Campforts E.


Waiting times at the outpatient clinic for child and adolescent psychiatry at the University Hospital of Brussels: which factors are related to waiting times and the risk of being admitted for diagnostics? Long waiting lists are a major problem in mental health care for minors. In Flanders (Belgium), concrete data about waiting lists are limited. Gaining more insight into this problem and exploring possibilities to reduce waiting times are essential. This exploratory study of a retrospective cohort mapped the waiting times and population characteristics of all registered patients in the period of May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2021 who were placed on the waiting list for intake at the outpatient clinic for child and adolescent psychiatry of the University Hospital of Brussels. A logistic regression analysis was conducted to determine factors associated with the likelihood of rejection. Based on the data, a template for an online questionnaire was developed to help identify patients at high risk of being rejected more quickly. Half of the 382 registered patients moved on for further assessment. The median waiting time until intake was 17 weeks. The likelihood of being rejected increased as the parents’ total Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) score decreased and with current involvement of psychological/psychiatric services. This study confirms the long waiting time for ambulatory multidisciplinary child psychiatric assessment within a university hospital. A significant proportion of the patients does not proceed for further assessment, which makes fast identification of these patients important. A proposal for an online questionnaire was developed for this purpose. Patients with an increased risk of rejection can be screened in the short term. Follow-up research with practical implementation and evaluation of the impact on waiting times is necessary.


Universa BV


General Medicine

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1. Psychiatrie: geen ver-van-uw-bedshow;Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde;2024-02-01








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