Comparison of the effects of amitriptyline, melipramine and fluoxetine on acquisition and spatial alteration of avoidance responses in rats


Inozemtsev A.N.ORCID,Hashimova U.F.ORCID,Lovat M.L.ORCID,Karpukhina O.V.ORCID,Ismayilova Kh.Y.ORCID,Rustamov F.E.,Gumbatov S.I.


The effects of amitriptyline (10 mg/kg), melipramine (10 mg/kg), and fluoxetine (5 mg/kg) on the acquisition of conditioned active avoidance responses and their spatial alteration in rats were studied. During the acquisition of avoidance, a passage in the partition was open, adjacent to the rear wall of the shuttle chamber. On the 5th experimental day after the end of the training, this distal opening was closed and the proximal one was opened, after which avoidance performance under changed conditions was tested for 20 trials. Melipramine and amitriptyline accelerated the acquisition of avoidance responses. Changing the location of the opening disrupted the learned skill, especially in the control animals. Melipramine and fluoxetine statistically significantly (in contrast to amitriptyline) accelerated the recovery of the level of avoidance. The positive effect of melipramine and fluoxetine is explained by a psychostimulating component in their spectrum. The inability of amitriptyline to produce a significant effect in this model is due to its psychosedative properties. The data obtained allow us to conclude that the acquisition of the active conditioned avoidance responses and their spatial modification can be used to analyze the antidepressant activity of pharmacological agents.


Academician Abdulla Garayev Institute of Physiology

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