Influence of olfactomy, photoperiodic factor and physical activity on the dynamics of circadian rhythm of blood glucose in rabbits


Zulfugarova P.A.,Madatova V.M.,Gurbanova G.A.,Ibragimova S.Sh.


In our study, we analyzed changes in blood glycemic reactions in 30-, 90-, 180-, and 365-day-old rabbits under the influence of physical activity and interceptive stimulation. As a result of the activation of nervous, hormonal, and enzymatic regulatory mechanisms during short-term physical exercise, anabolic reactions of glucose metabolism in the body, regardless of age, are enhanced due to glycogen resources and an additional supply of glucose in the blood. Long-term, but also heavy, physical activity, on the contrary, enhances the catabolic side of glucose metabolism in the body and leads to a decrease in blood glucose levels. In our study, the determination of blood glucose levels in experimental rabbits of different ages was carried out after interoceptive stimulation, in particular, irritation of rectal mechanoreceptors with pressure 80-100 mm Hg. Based on these experimental facts, one can conclude that the mechanisms of interoceptive regulation, especially the central nervous and neuroendocrine mechanisms regulating the homeostatic state of the internal environment, are not fully formed yet in young animals and do not have a long-term effect on the level of glucose in the blood. Based on these experimental facts, it can be concluded that the mechanisms of interoceptive regulation, especially the central nervous and neuroendocrine mechanisms regulating the homeostatic state of the internal environment, have not been fully formed yet in young animals and do not have a long-term effect on the level of glucose in the blood. This can also be explained by the fact that the dynamic and rhythmic nature of blood glycemic reactions in young animals is not so pronounced. However, in older animals, these reactions, while maintaining their high dynamic and rhythmic properties, develop in the form of static hyperglycemia.


Academician Abdulla Garayev Institute of Physiology

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