When Texture Takes Precedence over Motion in Depth Perception


O'Brien Justin1,Johnston Alan1


1. Department of Psychology, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK


Both texture and motion can be strong cues to depth, and estimating slant from texture cues can be considered analogous to calculating slant from motion parallax (Malik and Rosenholtz 1994, report UCB/CSD 93/775, University of California, Berkeley, CA). A series of experiments was conducted to determine the relative weight of texture and motion cues in the perception of planar-surface slant when both texture and motion convey similar information. Stimuli were monocularly viewed images of planar surfaces slanted in depth, defined by texture and motion information that could be varied independently. Slant discrimination biases and thresholds were measured by a method of single-stimuli binary-choice procedure. When the motion and texture cues depicted surfaces of identical slants, it was found that the depth-from-motion information neither reduced slant discrimination thresholds, nor altered slant discrimination bias, compared to texture cues presented alone. When there was a difference in the slant depicted by motion and by texture, perceived slant was determined almost entirely by the texture cue. The regularity of the texture pattern did not affect this weighting. Results are discussed in terms of models of cue combination and previous results with different types of texture and motion information.


SAGE Publications


Artificial Intelligence,Sensory Systems,Experimental and Cognitive Psychology,Ophthalmology








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