Measuring Ideology in the Croatian Context


Bovan Kosta1ORCID,Petrović Valentino2,Runje Leon3ORCID


1. Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb

2. Institute for Development and International Relations, Zagreb

3. Ministry of Defence, Republic of Croatia


The goal of this paper is to examine the relationship between the unidimensional‎ left-right measure of ideology and more nuanced measures of major political‎ ideologies as well as to ascertain the validity of the left-right measure of‎ ideology as a conceptual tool for analysing ideological preferences within the‎ Croatian context. This was accomplished by deploying an online questionnaire‎ on a convenient, non-representative sample of students from the University of‎ Zagreb, Croatia. The students were recruited via various social media student‎ groups. The paper starts by theoretically exploring the six major ideologies‎ from which it develops a pool of items for measuring said ideologies. The data‎ acquired via the aforementioned questionnaires was then analysed with the‎ goal of assessing the best items to measure each ideology. The paper goes on‎ to assess the relationship between the respondents’ support of major ideologies‎ and their self-positioning on the left-right ideology scale. The acquired results‎ demonstrate that the respondents possess a general understanding of the ideological‎ left-to-right scale and are coherent in their preferences with the values‎ of their ideology of choice. They further demonstrate that the correlations between‎ the participants’ self-positioning on the left-right continuum and level‎ of support for particular ideologies follow the expected direction. Therefore,‎ while taking the limits of the deployed sample type into account, the paper reaffirms‎ the validity of the left-right measure of ideology as a conceptual tool‎ for analysing ideological preferences within the Croatian context.‎


Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb


Political Science and International Relations,Sociology and Political Science,History

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2. Razvoj izučavanja hrvatske politike od šezdesetih do danas;Politička misao;2022-11-03







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