1. Department of Mathematics, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan
Offset curves are one of the crucial curves, but the presence
of square root function in the representation is main hindrance towards
their applications in CAD/CAM. The presented technique is based on offset approximation using rational trigonometric Bezier curves. The idea is ´
to construct a new control polygon parallel to original one. The two end
points of the offset control polygon have been taken as exact offset end
points, while the middle control points and weights have been computed
using definition of parallel curves. As a result, offsets of rational and nonrational trigonometric Bezier curves have been approximated by rational ´
cubic trigonometric Bezier curve. An error between exact and approxi- ´
mated offset curves have also been computed to show the efficacy of the
Department of Mathematics, University of the Punjab