Study of electric consumption of individual housing construction facilities of different stories and area


Akhmetshin Azat R.


In the Russian Federation, the construction of individual housing construction projects is being carried out at an increasing pace, for the construction of electrical networks for which there are no regulatory documents with an adequate methodology for calculating electrical loads. This situation led to low load on power grid equipment, and accordingly, investments became non-refundable. Sustainable development of private and industrial construction of individual housing projects is possible only with the development of regulatory technical documents that meet modern trends. To accomplish this task, research work was carried out to develop regulatory documents used in the design of electrical networks in cottage villages, taking into account the different number of floors and area of individual housing construction projects. Using the example of two cottage villages in Kazan, based on the parameter of daily and monthly electricity consumption, it was possible to obtain a sample whose data obeys the law of normal distribution. The analysis of sample sets of cottages in the villages shows that according to the power consumption parameter they can be grouped depending on the number of floors and area of the houses. The results obtained make it possible to formulate a future methodology for calculating electrical loads with amendments to the Federal Code of Rules.


Samara State Technical University

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