Pengembangan Desain Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) Berbasis Kreativitas Ilmiah pada Guru Sains-Fisika di Kalimantan Selatan


Arifuddin Muhammad,Wati Mustika,Miriam Sarah,Suyidno Suyidno,Misbah MisbahORCID,Mahtari Saiyidah,Deni M,Ridho Muhammad Hafiz


 Pengembangan kreativitas ilmiah dalam pembelajaran fisika menjadi solusi baru yang lebih efektif dalam mengatasi berbagai permasalahan yang semakin kompleks dan beragam dewasa ini; tetapi hambatan kreativitas mengganggu kemampuan para guru fisika untuk mengenali ide-ide kreatifnya. Oleh karena itu, tujuan pengabdian ini ialah membekali para guru fisika di Kalimantan Selatan dengan pengetahuan dan kreativitas ilmiah; serta berlatih mendesain Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) Berbasis Kreativitas Ilmiah. Kegiatan pengabdian diawali identifikasi masalah tentang rendahnya kreativitas ilmiah para guru sains-fisika, kemudian penyusunan modul pelatihan kreativitas ilmiah yang ditekankan pada aktivitas siswa meliputi: (1) menentukan kegunaan benda untuk tujuan ilmiah, (2) menemukan masalah-masalah sains, (3) meningkatkan kegunaan produk secara teknis, (4) berimajinasi ilmiah, (5) mendesain eksperimen kreatif, (6) memecahkan masalah sains secara kreatif, dan (7) mendesain produk secara kreatif. Selain itu, pengembangan desain LKS melibatkan pembelajaran berbasis otonomi, kebutuhan belajar kreatif, investigasi ilmiah, dan pemantapan kreativitas ilmiah. Pelaksanaan pengabdian dalam bentuk wokshop mendesain LKS berbasis kreativitas ilmiah. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman kreativitas ilmiah guru dalam mendesain produk kreatif pada awalnya dalam kriteria kurang kreatif. Sebaliknya, setelah mengikuti kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini, para peserta pelatihan lebih memahami tentang kreativitas ilmiah dan pentingnya kreativitas ilmiah dalam pembelajaran sains-fisika, serta dapat mendesain LKS berbasis kreativitas ilmiah dalam kriteria kreatif. Dengan demikian, kegiatan pengembangan desain LKS berbasis kreativitas ilmiah pada guru sains-fisika di Kalimantan Selatan mampu meningkatkan pemahaman kreativitas ilmiah para pendidik dengan baik.Development of scientific creativity in learning physics into new solutions that are more effective in overcoming various increasingly complex and diverse problems today, but the obstacle of creativity interferes with the ability of physics teachers to recognize their creative ideas. Therefore, this service aims to equip physics teachers in South Kalimantan with scientific knowledge and creativity, as well as to practice designing the student worksheets based on creativity. The service activity begins with the identification of problems regarding the lack of scientific creativity of science-physics teachers. The preparation of scientific creativity training modules that emphasizes student activities include: (1) determining the use of objects for scientific purposes, (2) finding scientific problems, (3) improve the use of technical products, (4) scientific imagination, (5) design creative experiments, (6) solve scientific problems creatively, and (7) design creative products. Also, the development of the student worksheet design involves autonomous based learning, creative learning needs, scientific investigations, and strengthening scientific creativity. Implementation of community service in the form of a workshop to design the student worksheet based on scientific creativity. The results of the dedication show that the understanding of the teacher's scientific creativity in designing creative products was initially less creative. On the contrary, after participating in this community service activity, the trainees will understand more about scientific creativity and the importance of scientific creativity in learning science-physics and can design the student worksheet based on scientific creativity in creative criteria. Thus, the development of the student worksheet based scientific creativity design activities in science-physics teachers in South Kalimantan can improve the understanding of the scientific creativity of educators well.


Center for Journal Management and Publication, Lambung Mangkurat University


General Medicine

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1. Desain Lembar Kegiatan Siswa (LKS) Berorentasi Pada Pendekatan Saintifik Bagi Guru Sekolah Dasar;Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat;2023-06-29







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