Numerical wellbore stability for vertical and deviated wells using finite element method
Volume:3 (74)
Container-title:Romanian Journal of Petroleum & Gas Technology
Halafawi Mohamed, ,Diniță Alin,Avram Lazăr, ,
A 3D vertical wellbore model is created in this paper using the ANSYS finite-element software package to examine stress distribution contours and displacement plots, and then developing a comprehensive approach for converting the vertical model into any orientated and 3D deviated wellbore model. Applying isotropic rock elasticity and the Von Mises formulas, both wellbore models can be utilized repeatedly to explore the stability, stress distribution, and deformation surrounding wellbores anywhere at direction. Changing the direction and magnitude of the insitu normal and shear stress acting on the vertical wellbore model is also done to show the effect of inclination on wellbore stability.
Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploiesti
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