Checking the nutrient content of the soil after applying a depollution method has a significant impact on the environment. Of the macroelements present in the soil structure, those of particular interest are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The presence of each element in the soil structure is important for plant growth on depolluted soils. Nitrogen absorbed from the soil is transformed through various chemical reactions into assimilable amino acids that ensure the growth of leaves, stems and the development of the plant root system. Phosphorus, assimilated by plants in the form of phosphoric acid or phosphoric anhydride, is involved in the functioning of the immune system, increasing the plant's resistance to crop conditions, atmospheric conditions, pest attack and insecticide administration. Potassium is converted during chemical reactions into potassium hydroxide and assimilated in this form by the plant. It increases the plant's ability to store nutrients in its reserve organs. Electrical desorption remediation is recommended as a remediation method for soils contaminated with volatile or semi-volatile compounds. The extraction yield of pollutants from soil is around 95%, lower values are only obtained if the mass content of pollutants in the soil is higher than 10%.
Following the application of desorption depollution, the only element that does not undergo transformation is potassium, which makes this method of depollution preferred, despite being expensive.
Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploiesti