1. Department of lighting technology, Moscow Power Engineering Institute
Now days regulatory documents for non-special lighting systems, the illuminance and various parameters derived from it are normalized as a quantitative characteristic. In most cases, all calculations are carried out for illuminance on the floor of the room or on an imaginary working plane located at the height of the table. However, illuminance is an integral characteristic of incident light, while the human eye responds to light reflected from the surface. That is, if we take a completely black surface with a reflection coefficient equal to zero, then formally you can get the required illuminance on it, while visually we will not see anything, since nothing will be reflected from the surface. In terms of the human eye, luminance must be normalized instead of illuminance. Recently, the calculation and measurement of luminance was an extremely difficult task, so the it is understandable, that current regulatory documents describes almost illuminance normalization, but not luminance. This paper aims to modeling luminance spatial-angular distribution, which enables us to run the assessment of the lighting quality.
Russian Foundation for Basic Research
MONOMAX Limited Liability Company
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1 articles.