
Travenko E. N.1ORCID,Porodenko V. A.1


1. Department of Forensic Medicine, Kuban State Medical University


Objectives.Morphometry of the main vascular and parenchymal structures of the liver which reflect its morphofunctional state.Material and methods.We examined the postmortem liver samples from 15 cases of rapid death of youth and adult men (26.6 % and 40 %, respectively) and women (13.4 % and 20 %, respectively). For histological studies we used archival paraffin-embedded tissue blocks of the liver. A series of 5 μm sections were made. Tissue sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin. Random fields of view of histological slides were photographed with the OLYMPUS XC30 digital camera mounted on the OLYMPUS CX41 microscope (Japan) with SWH ocular magnification ×10 and UPLanFL aim magnifications ×10, ×20, ×40 (at least 10 fields of view of each slide). Morphometric data analysis was carried using Image Scope Color viewing program and Olympus cellSens imaging software (Japan). Statistical analysis was carried out using the software STATISTICA 10.Results.The liver microvasculature vessels have different diameters: the largest one corresponds to the interlobular veins ((87.80 ± 1.84) μm), the smallest corresponds to the interlobular arteries ((25.62 ± 2.41) μm). The diameter of the central vein is (54.03 ± 0.86) μm. The diameter of sinusoids is (28.36 ± 0.93) μm, interlobular bile ducts – (13.86 ± 0.80) μm. The areas of hepatocytes and nuclei are of (486.14 ± 11.15) μm2 and (58.89 ± 1.86) μm2, respectively; the area of the cytoplasm is (427.25 ± 9.19) μm2. The nuclear cytoplasmic ratio is 0.137 ± 0.06.Conclusion.The obtained morphometric data can be used for the comparison when studying the pathological features of the liver in other pathological conditions such as alcohol intoxication. Further development of this research area is required to select morphometric characteristics and map the relative morphometric norm of a “healthy” liver.


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