‘Reading Anxiety in Turkish Language’: A Systematic Review Research




1. pamukkale university


The aim of this study was to review the research which focused on ‘Reading Anxiety’ in Turkish language systematically. According to the questions derived from the aim, 16 papers were re-examined based on the rules of systematic review method. These papers were analysed in terms of their aims, designs, sampling and results. In addition to this, similarities and differences of the reviewed papers were discovered. It was seen that these studies were conducted with primary and middle school students. It was also found that the methodology of these reviewed studies was designed with quantitative approaches. The results of the review indicates that reading anxiety is related with reading comprehension, reading habit, reading fluency and reading motivation. Such factors as gender, parents’ income, having books and place of residence have relation with reading anxiety. The results gathered from reviewed papers suggest that studies designed with qualitative and mixed-method are needed. Additionally, focusing on various topics related with ‘reading anxiety’ with different participant groups are needed. In conclusion, it is believed that this systematic review study can provide fruitful information for the area and new perspectives for the further studies.


International e-Journal of Educational Studies


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Environmental Engineering

Reference26 articles.

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