This study was carried out to determine the behaviors of teachers about classroom management and the effects on their students, through experienced the real cases (or events, or stories) about classroom management written by the pre-service science teachers (PSTs). The stories about classroom management were collected using the documentation technique. The PSTs were asked to write down a real case that they encountered in the classroom environment in their earlier education phases and these collected cases were used as a data collection tool in the research. The study group was consisted of a totally 76 PSTs enrolled junior level in Science Education Department. The PSTs took the “classroom management” course and the presented real cases in the content of an assignment they prepared. The contents of the stories written by them were analyzed descriptively. As a result of the analyzes, it was found out that the classroom management events of the PSTs generally took place in the secondary and high school, in the mathematics course as the course type and in the strictly controlled classrooms as the classroom behavior environment. Also, it was determined that the classroom management events are generally caused by students and the reaction of teachers to these events is generally negative.
International e-Journal of Educational Studies
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Environmental Engineering
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