Impact of development and irrigation on the soil of the dry steppe zone of Azerbaijan and the classification system


Babayev M. P.1,Ramazanova F. M.1,Mirzezade R. I.1


1. Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry


In the given article the research results on change of the morphological – genetic structure of the profile, granulometric composition, distribution of the physical clay on profile, supplement of density, gross composition of soil and silty fraction of the virgin [Grey Cinnamonic] and irrigated grey-brown soil [Irrigated Grey- Cinnamonic] in the arid steppe zone of Azerbaijan have been described depending on their agricultural use and antiquity of irrigation. Dependence of their density supplement of the irrigated grey-brown soil on granulometric composition and antiquity of their irrigation was established. The place of the virgin and irrigated grey-brown soil was defined depending on agricultural use and antiquity of irrigation in the system of the international classification of WRB (2014): virgin saturated gleyey calcareous heavy-loamy grey-brown soil - Duric Gleyic Calcic Kastanozems (Loamic); Long- irrigated grey-brown (irrigationaccumulative) (more than 300 years), powerful gleyey cultivated Long- irrigated calcareous heavy-loamy-Gleyic Petrocalcic Kastanozems (Anthric, Loamic).


Kazakh Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry named after UU. Uspanov

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