to indicate satisfaction of university students in information (the case study of State Public Scientific and Technological Library of the Russian Academy of Science Siberian Branch)


Lakizo I G.1


1. Russian Institute of Economics, Politics and Law in Science and Technology


The information needs of students were explored with the demand analysis methods. The study was targeted at students as a social group. The results confirmed the sociological findings of students’ low satisfaction with information support provided by the largest libraries. More specifically, the target group was regular library users who access library resources predominantly for the purposes of learning. In this segment, the high level of satisfaction is identified as related to university curricula and education goals (completing assignments, deepening and consolidating knowledge), medium level of satisfaction is linked to personal development and gaining learning skills, while the low level of satisfaction is linked to searching for further learning and career prospects and various aspects of social networking. The year of study. The structure of demand for educational anв professional documents depends on the curricula, and chronology limitation are determined by educational standards and faculty recommendations. Based on the study findings, the author suggests that the diverse newest and aссessible learning materials and possibility to develop certain learning skills through attending educational events and consultations make the advantages of larger libraries.


State Public Scientific-Technical Library

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