Research at the central regional library: The history and the subject scope at the present stage


Andronenko O. V.1,Ruksha G. L.1


1. State Universal Scientific Library of the Krasnoyarsk Territory


The purpose of this article is to identify new trends in the research activities of regional libraries of the Russian Federation. The authors analyze in detail the documents that provide the legislative and regulatory framework for research activities of libraries. The authors emphasize that the well-defined legal status of central scientific libraries and their mandate are to support clear understanding of the concept of their research activities. Currently, the research activities are actualized in diverse formats. Library scientists have not achieved the uniform understanding of the object of these activities. Using the example of the State Universal Scientific Library of the Krasnoyarsk Kray [Territory], the content and main directions of modern scientific library practice are characterized; the number of general research patterns inherent to larger Russian libraries are revealed; and features related to regional specifics are identified. The authors suggest what the main motivations in choosing the thematic focus of library research are. At the present stage, these are: the national project “Culture” and the issues related to COVID-19 pandemic situation.Based on the analysis of various approaches to understand the research activities of libraries, the authors conclude that there is a need for comprehensive revision of content and formats of scientific activities of central regional libraries.


State Public Scientific-Technical Library

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