1. Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
2. School № 1191
3. «Kholmogorka» Agrarian College
Currently, one can observe active use of electronic resources by teachers at various teaching stages, on all levels of basic education. I n this work, the authors review an electronic library available on the «Moscow Electronic School» website. The article reveals the potential of using electronic network resources of the Moscow Electronic School project for the self-development of students, provides examples of the use of such resources in the educational process, gives a brief overview of scientific literature on this topic, describes the results of experience with the electronic library. It all allows the authors to talk about the efficiency of using such resources, both in Russia and abroad, namely, to state an increase in the level of activity and the quality of educational material assimilation. Electronic libraries are of great importance to the interactive learning process. As another result of the study, the authors note an increase in the level of educational motivation. Thus, we can say that the resources of modern electronic libraries offer a significant potential for the development of necessary skills, abilities and knowledge in students.
State Public Scientific-Technical Library
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