Library e-catalogs: The current state and modes


Stukalova A. A.1


1. State Public Scientific Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Modern functionality of library e-catalogs and union catalogs is discussed. The e-catalogs are examined for the features of new generation. However, many features are lacking in e-catalogs. Almost all e-catalogs under examinations are comfortable for use and feature facet navigation, several search modes, instructions and search guides. On the other hand, not many e-catalogs cover the library collection completely, and have to be checked for spelling. Just few ecatalogs offer fonts for visually impaired people, recommendations orthe possibility to add information to bibliographic records. Definitely, e-catalog bibliographic records comprise additional information, i. e. book cover images, annotations, and less frequently – lists of contents. However, as a rule, this data is included into blbliographic records of modern publications. Many e-catalogs comprise full texts or links to full texts. The study findings evidence on the need to improve ecatalog functionality to offer users more powerful and attractive search tools.


State Public Scientific-Technical Library

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