Advanced professional library information education: Conceptual and methodological foundations and mechanisms


Kuznetsova T. Ya.1


1. APRIKT Academic and Research Center, Moscow State Institute of Culture


The role of advanced professional library and information education as an essential part of continuous education system and its importance in educating new generation of library professionals are substantiated. The author reveals the role of the advanced professional education as an efficient site to apply and generate new ideas, to promote innovative experience and professional communicationsб and to modernize librarianship. She concludes that the main task of modern advanced library and information education is to assist librarians’ professional socialization. The methodological basics of the advanced professional training are characterized: teaching innovativeness, integration with library practice, social transparency and dynamic character. The author describes the mechanism for the transfer from the discrete stage of the advanced professional education to a systematic approach: the vertical-horizontal interaction of the advanced professional training structures, consistency and continuity of the educational process, education quality control, efficient combining online and offline education. The author emphasizes that the key factor for improving advanced education is to engage practicing professionals who master innovations introduction technologies. The need for public professional accreditation and certification for alternative education programs (including that of libraries), and systematic monitoring of the education system is proved.


State Public Scientific-Technical Library

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