Virtual user geography of library websites


Udartseva O. M.1


1. State Public Scientific Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The author generalizes the results of library user survey. The survey was held within the framework of the study “Webometric monitoring of libraries”. The study goal was to assess the virtual geography of library website users and to specify target audience. The user audience of 11 library websites was assessed by following criteria: geographical data (user location, probable user residence area); user demographic data (sex, age); loyalty indicators (bounce rate, visit depth, visit duration); website user desired actions (estimation of desired action conversion). Based on the findings, the author concludes that: library offline services impact website user geography; there is a close interdependence between library location and website traffic; users resident in the library region make the most loyal website users; women prevail in the library user audience. The target website user audience is identified; recommendations are offered for the further strategic development in the web-space. The study conclusions and recommendations would facilitate generated demanded content and efficient promotion of library information resources and services in the web-space.


State Public Scientific-Technical Library

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