Status and prospects for the libraries of academic research institutes (as the case study of SB RAS Novosibirsk Scientific Center libraries). Part 1


Lavrik O. L.1,Yudina I. G.1,Kalyuzhnaya T. A.1


1. State Public Scientific and Technological Library, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch


The role and tasks of academic libraries are changing due to external factors, and among them is the atrophy of their function as the only information source. The authors analyze the survey of the Novosibirsk Scientific Center’s libraries related to the relevant services provided by academic libraries. The study goal is to determine the balance of traditional and innovated tasks being accomplished by the libraries. The idea of the survey was conceived in 2019 before the pandemic. In Part One, the authors describe the methods and methodology of their study. The key method is the survey questionnaire. The findings are analyzed and the conclusions are presented: to solve new problems (like establishing and maintaining the systems for monitoring researchers’ publication activity, maintenance of institutional data repository, preparation of reviews and analytical surveys, advocating institutes through social media, users support on copyright and plagiarism, consulting on grant selection and application), academic administration bring the expertise of librarians, or establish new structures; however, the librarians are insufficiently engaged in solving the new tasks of science support. The authors suggest that their findings reflect the activities of academic libraries, however after the pandemic, the situation may change with the world.


State Public Scientific-Technical Library

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