1. Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology; Moscow State Linguistic University
Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology has been developing the Single Open Information Archive (UOIA) to merge all digital full-text resources created or acquired by the Library. The authors examine the issues of interoperability when exchanging metadata between UOIA built on library automation software and open archives using OAI-PMH technology for metadata acquisition. Interoperability in information exchange between different ALIS is provided, for example, through applying SRU/SRW protocol and metadata scheme, while metadata exchange between OA repositories is provided mainly within Dublin Core (DC) scheme. ALIS – OA metadata transmission with transformation into DC results in information loss and prevents unambiguous reverse transformation.For a long time, DSpace has been the most popular software for open digital repositories. This product enables OAI-PMH metadata acquisition in DC and Qualified DC (QDC) formats, and supports Object Reuse and Exchange (ORE) standard, which enables to describe aggregated resources. ORE in DSpace enables to collect not only metadata but also connected files and to receive other connected data provided by importing source. DSpace uses rather simple ORE format based on Atom XML that allows binding several files of different functionality with RDF-triplets.The OAI-PMH software connector is designed for RNPLS&T SOIA and enables to present metadata in DC, QDC, MARC21, and ORE formats, which supports interoperability in information exchange with OA repositories with DSpace software. Beside metadata transmission, transmission of various data types is possible, e. g. document text or license information. Further development is to expand format structure to represent associated data, in particular using RDF.
State Public Scientific-Technical Library
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3 articles.