Science Communication in Mass Media: Case of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences Research Institutes


Kosyakov Denis1,Yudina Inna1,Vakhrameeva Zoya1


1. State Public Scientific Technological Library of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science


Popularization of science, promotion of research results, recognition and positive attitude to the brand of a scientific organization and individual researchers have been the subject of increased attention from research institutes and universities in recent years. They are one of the most important points of national science policy in Russia. Analysis of the effectiveness of the PR policy of organizations becomes a key task in these circumstances. The article provides an analysis of news stories in the mass media based on the results of scientific research of the institutions of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In the course of the study, key requirements for a news report on a scientific publication were determined and the most common errors when presenting results of research as newsworthy events were identified and listed. This study proposes a number of metrics for measuring the effectiveness of scientific organizations activities in the mass media. The calculated metrics make it possible to assess the overall level of organization activity in promoting research results in the media, the effectiveness of this activity from the point of view of the interest of the media to relevant news stories, the completeness of media coverage of research papers and active authors of the institution. The analysis of the media activity of research institutes of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences has shown their growing interest in popularizing and promoting the brands of institutions, individual scientists and scientific results.


State Public Scientific-Technical Library







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