Methodological foundations for the interdisciplinary studies of modern book culture


Lyutov Sergey1


1. State Public Scientific and Technological Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch


The processes of globalization and the challenges of post-industrial civilization expand the boundaries of research in the social and human sciences significantly and dictate the need for close interdisciplinary cooperation in exploring the ways for adapting traditional sociocultural phenomena to the new conditions of the developing information society. The shift in emphasis from studying traditional booklore from the historical aspects to new book culture is increasingly attracting the attention of researcher in the humanities who are trying to comprehend the current state and predict the vectors for the book culture development in the dynamically changing information environment.Over the past quarter of the century, changes in research approaches are obvious: from offering definitions for the “book culture” concept to understanding the multidimensional nature of this phenomenon and the need for interdisciplinary cooperation in the studies. Intensive discussions in academic periodicals demonstrate the diversity of ideas, concepts and research approaches [1].The author analyzes the findings of recent book culture studies from the standpoint of various scientific schools and approaches, provides examples of precise interpretations of philosophical, cultural, documentary aspects of the books’ functioning within the system of culture. The necessity for identifying mutually acceptable guidelines for interdisciplinary cooperation and updating the methodology for studying the books, booklore and book culture is substantiated.


State Public Scientific-Technical Library

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1. Book culture: The dialectic of the static and the dynamic;Scientific and Technical Libraries;2021-07-23

2. Book communications: Methodology of interdisciplinary research;Scientific and Technical Libraries;2021-05-11







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