1. Russian State Library; Institute of History of Natural Sciences and Equipment of S. I. Vavilov of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2. Russian State Library
The article is devoted to the modern period of research activity of the Russian State Library ‒ one of the Russian Federation’s national libraries, which, in accordance with the current legislation, are research institutions in library science, bibliography and book studies, and methodological, scientific-information and cultural centers of federal importance, participating in development and implementation of the federal policy in the field of librarianship. The article presents the main directions and subjects of the RSL’s research work in 2015–2018. In addition to traditional areas (the history, theory and practice of librarianship, the disclosure of collections, and the study of monuments of book culture), there have also been developed some research projects aimed at solving current issues of library development in the digital environment (the formation and organization of access to electronic information resources, the creation of digital services, etc.). The article demonstrates major publications of the RSL employees, representing the research results (monographs and articles, catalogues, bibliographic indexes, manuals and reference books). The article analyzes the innovations in organizing scientific activities and the achieved results (including scientometric characteristics), which confirm the status of the Russian State Library as a leading research center in the field of library science, bibliography and book studies.
State Public Scientific-Technical Library
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Cited by
14 articles.