Analyzing the demand for user information and patent support at scientific libraries


Beskaravaynaya E.1,Mitroshin I.1,Kharybina T.1


1. Library for Natural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The authors substantiate the importance and the need for the study of the functional character of information needs (further referred as IN) of scientists at research institutes and, in particular, the Federal Research Center in Pushchino Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (PSC RAS) in order to improve information services. Much attention was paid to the study of IN of scientists searching for patent information. The authors summarize the results of the analysis of information needs of researchers specializing in physicochemical biology. They substantiate the need for user patent information support comprising information and analytical services, consulting, methodical work and patent studies. The study findings demonstrate that patent information services hold a special place in the modern information infrastructure and are highly demanded by the PSC RAS users. Based on the study results, the authors introduce the concept of patent information support of PSC RAS library users. This model envisages priority development of online and analytical services for the patent research. Such information support of PSC RAS researchers would facilitate profitability and benefits and increase interest in the library services.


State Public Scientific-Technical Library

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