New format of regulative support of BA and MA programs in library and information sciences


Klyuev V. K.1


1. Moscow State Institute of Culture; Moscow State Linguistic University


The current regulation of higher education in library and information sciences reflects the prospective trends and orientation toward practical demands of the industry. The author examines the main concepts of the higher professional education reform under the way, i. e. multilevel structure and consistency, competence approach, connection with practical activities, integrated control and evaluation of obtained knowledge. Regulation novations of the updated federal national education standards of higher education in specializations 51.03.06 “Library and information activities”, BA, and 51.04.06 “Library and information activities”, MA, are discussed.The author also examines the methodological approaches toward modeling of the professional competences to be developed within BA and MA programs; the complex of mandatory and recommended professional competences to be developed within BA and MA programs.Based on the comprehensive analysis, the conclusion is made that the higher library and information education, like the Russian education system on the whole, has been going through the transformations; while library professional training corresponds with the general requirements of theBolognaprocess.


State Public Scientific-Technical Library

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