Assessing Russian scientific journals in agriculture


Chavykin Yu. I.1


1. Russian Research Institute for Information, Technological and Economic Studies and Engineering Support in Agro-Industrial Complex


The author discusses the results of scientometric assessment of Russian agricultural and forestry academic journals included into the RSCI database, HAC List and RCSI as of 2022. The essential bibliometrical data were obtained from the RSCI database. The serials selected for the analysis fall under the 68.00.00 index of the State Rubricator of Sci-tech Information (SRSTI).The author substantiates the validity of bibliometrical indicator of publication importance, namely the 5-year impact factor without self citation. He investigates into the journal information capabilities from the perspective of published articles and open access to RSCI database. The level-structured values accepted for ranging the impact factor (from minimum to maximum) included in RSCI, HAC, and RCSI, are provided; the average values make, correspondingly, 0.381, 0.470, and 0.623. The most significant scientific journals are revealed by their impact factor and SI, and by the number of published articles and accessibility via RSCI. The author emphasizes the drawbacks of HAC and RCSI resources, among them inclusion of low-cited and low SI journals. He also favors the proposal to develop the integrated method for journal ranging and, on this foundation, to build the national database of scientific periodicals.


State Public Scientific-Technical Library

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