1. State Public Scientific Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The author analyzes the approaches to structuring open access resources (OAR). The study is aimed at increasing the efficiency of library information user services through integrating OAR into the system of science and education information support. Within the research project “Design of the model of scientific library operation within the open science ecosystem”, over 200 heterogeneous OAR were examined to conclude on the efficiency of the libraries’ user information support with OAR. The analysis of OAR features and navigation systems on the libraries’ websites, both foreign and national, enables to suggest approaches to OAR structuring by various characteristics, as well as structural options (with examples) depending on the content (subject), types of included documents, and national/ territorial affiliation. The efficient search in the increasing OAR flow is possible with building the systems of user interactive access to heterogeneous resources through the single access point, OAR integration into databases ofautomated library information systems; designing of OAR navigators (by various characteristics); introduction of alternative technological solutions. Access to OARs based on user information needs, organization of their efficient use make the tasks that would set up ‘new norms” of information library services.The study is accomplished within the framework of the RAS SB SPSTL research project “Design of the model of scientific library operation within the open science ecosystem” No. 122041100150-3 (2022–2026).
State Public Scientific-Technical Library
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